Khamisov O.O. Methods of nonlinear support functions in bilevel programming // Proc. of the 26th European Conference on Operational Research - INFORMS. Romania. 01-04 July 2013.
Sidorov D.N. On parametric families of solutions of Volterra integral equations of the first kind with piecewise smooth kerne // Differential Equations. Vol.49. No.2. 2013. P.210-216. DOI: 10.1134/S0012266113020079.
Saneev B.G., Lopatina M. The Priority Direction of Energy Cooperation of China and the Far East of Russia // Study & Exploration. No.2. 2013. P.98-101." class="btn js_copy">Скопировать все
Зоркальцев В.И. Страна знаний – журнал для любознательной молодежи и для всех кто считает себя молодым // Країна знань. No.1. 2013. P.11-12.
Mokriy I.V., Zorkaltsev V.I. Имитационная модель олигопольного рынка // Proc. of the VII Moscov International Conference on Operations Research. Москва Russia. 15-19 October 2013. P.181-183.
Ayzenberg N.I. Models of imperfect competition in analysis of Siberian electricity market // Proc. of the VII Moscov International Conference on Operations Research. Москва Russia. 15-19 October 2013.
Ayzenberg N.I. Trade Policy and Social Welfare under Monopolistic Competition with Variable Elasticity of Substitution // Proc. of the CMSSE summer school in spatial economics and imperfect markets: empirical aspects. Pushkin Russia. 03-16 July 2013.
Apartsyn A.S., Sidler I.V. Modeling of developing systems on the basis of nonclassical Volterra integral equations of the first kind // Proc. of the 4-th Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium. Albi France. 26-28 June 2013.
Apartsyn A.S. On the theory of non-classical Volterra equations of the first kind // Proc. of the 4-th Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium. Albi France. 26-28 June 2013.
Apartsyn A.S., Sidler I.V. Using the Nonclassical Volterra equations of the first kind to model the developing systems // Automation and Remote Control. Vol.74. No.6. 2013. P.899-910. DOI: 10.1134/S0005117913060015
Khamisov O.O. Methods of nonlinear support functions in bilevel programming // Proc. of the 26th European Conference on Operational Research - INFORMS. Romania. 01-04 July 2013.
Sidorov D.N. On parametric families of solutions of Volterra integral equations of the first kind with piecewise smooth kerne // Differential Equations. Vol.49. No.2. 2013. P.210-216. DOI: 10.1134/S0012266113020079.
Saneev B.G., Lopatina M. The Priority Direction of Energy Cooperation of China and the Far East of Russia // Study & Exploration. No.2. 2013. P.98-101.