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Noeiaghdam S., Sidorov D. Integral equations: Theories, approximations, and applications // Symmetry. Vol.13. No.8. ID:1402. 2021. DOI: 10.3390/sym13081402
Piskunova V.M., Krupenev D.S., Krupenev E.A., Pyatkova N.I. Modelling the Combined Heat and Power Plants with Steam Turbines in the Study of Energy Security Problems // Environmental and Climate Technologies. Vol.25. No.1. 2021. P.816-828. DOI: 10.2478/rtuect-2021-0061
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On Nonlinear Forced Impulsive Differential Equations under Canonical and Non-Canonical Conditions
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Integral equations: Theories, approximations, and applications
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Modelling the Combined Heat and Power Plants with Steam Turbines in the Study of Energy Security Problems
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Application of the Methods for Comprehensive Reliability Analysis of District Heating Systems
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Comparative cost estimation of energy use of wood waste and traditional fuels for electricity and heat production
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Nucleation and bubble evolution in subcooled liquid under pulse heating
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Laser-induced boiling of subcooled liquid: influence of the radiation power on the vapor bubble nucleation and growth
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Choosing average values when determining characteristics of the unsteady boiling of liquid
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Support for Managing the Survivability of Energy Systems Based on a Combinatorial Approach
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Parameter sensitivity analysis on dynamic coefficients of partial arc annular-thrust aerostatic porous journal bearings
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