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Design and development of information and computational system for energy facilities’ impact assessment on environment

Статья конференции
Kuzmin V.R., Vorozhtsova T.N., Massel L.V.
Proceedings of 15th International Conference “Intelligent Systems”
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Моделирование и управление в энергосистемах на основе технологии цифровых двойников

Статья в журнале
Массель Л.В., Массель А.Г.
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Dynamic modeling and coordinated multi-energy management for a sustainable biogas-dominated energy hub

Статья в журнале
Li J., Zhang K., Zhou B., Li C., Voropai N., Huang W., Wang T.
Energy 2021
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Optimal Coordinated Control of Multi-Renewable-to-Hydrogen Production System for Hydrogen Fueling Stations

Статья в журнале
Zhang K., Zhou B., Or S.W., Li C., Chung C.Y., Voropai N.I.
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Multi-microgrid Energy Management Systems: Architecture, Communication, and Scheduling Strategies

Статья в журнале
Voropai N., Xu D., Zhou B., Zou J., Chung C.Y., Wang H., Liu N.
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Dissociation of a powder layer of methane gas hydrate in a wide range of temperatures and heat fluxes

Статья в журнале
Misyura S.Y, Donskoi I.G.
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Oscillatory Behavior of Third-Order Quasi-Linear Neutral Differential Equations

Статья в журнале
Qaraad B., Moaaz O., Santra S. S., Noeiaghdam S., Sidorov D.N., Elabbasy M. E.
Axioms 2021
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Studying the influence of key parameters on the methane hydrate dissociation in order to improve the storage efficiency

Статья в журнале
Misyura S.Y., Donskoi I.G., Manakov A.Y. , Morozov V.S., Strizhak P.A. , Skiba S.S. , Sagidullin A.K.
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Improving the efficiency of storage of natural and artificial methane hydrates

Статья в журнале
Donskoi I.G., Misyura S.Y.
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Influence of the composition of solid fuel on the equilibrium characteristics of a gasification process in the mixtures of oxygen and carbon dioxide

Статья в журнале
Donskoi I.G.
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