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https://www.epj-conferences.org/articles/epjconf/abs/2019/22/epjconf_freps18_01010/ epjconf_freps18_01010.html
Gaskova D.A., Massel A.G. Semantic modeling of cyber threats in the energy sector using Dynamic Cognitive Maps and Bayesian Belief Network // Proc.of the 7th Scientific Conference on Information Technologies for Intelligent Decision Making Support. 2019. P.326-329. DOI: 10.2991/itids-19.2019.58
Massel L.V., Kuzmin V.R. Knowledge management language in the information and analytical system for impact assessment of the energy on the geoecology // Proc.of the 7th Scientific Conference on Information Technologies for Intelligent Decision Making Support. 2019. P.321-324. DOI: 10.2991/itids-19.2019.57
Yuri M. Baturin, Valentina T. Dmitrieva, Eugene N. Eremchenko, Massel L.V., Oleg A. Nikonov, Alexei A. Romanov, Vladimir S. Tikunov, Alena A. Zakharova Digital Earth in Russia // Manual of Digital Earth. Springer Open. 2019. P.733-752. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-32-9915-3_23
Mikhailovsky E.A. Software for on-line testing of pipeline modeling methods // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. ID:012064. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/667/1/012064
Alekseev A.V., Novitskiy N.N. The concept and technology of a unified digital space organizing of an operational enterprise as a necessary condition for the intelligent automation of pipeline systems // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol.667. No.1. ID:012003. 2019. P.1-10. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/667/1/012003
Grebneva O.A. Study of the regimes planning problem for pipeline systems tests // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol.667. ID:012029. 2019. 9 p. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/667/1/012029
Loktionov V.I., Loktionova E.A. Development of the Russian energy system resilience: Towards a more secure future // Geopolitics of Energy. Vol.41. No.4. 2019. P.1-12.
Калинина Ж.В., Илькевич Н.И., Дзюбина Т.В. Особенности агрегирования мировых газовых рынков // Информационные и математические технологии в науке и управлении. №3(15). 2019. C.132-143. DOI: 10.25729/2413-0133-2019-3-12
Дзюбина Т.В., Илькевич Н.И., Сурнин Н.В. Оценка структурной надежности газотранспортной системы, формируемой на востоке России // Информационные и математические технологии в науке и управлении. №2(14). 2019. C.88-100. DOI: 10.25729/2413-0133-2019-2-08" class="btn js_copy">Скопировать все
Massel L.V., Olga M. Gerget, Massel A.G., Timur G. Mamedov The Use of Machine Learning in Situational Management in Relation to the Tasks of the Power Industry // EPJ Web Conf. Volume 217, 2019. International Workshop on Flexibility and Resiliency Problems of Electric Power Systems (FREPS 2019). P.1-6. DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201921701010
https://www.epj-conferences.org/articles/epjconf/abs/2019/22/epjconf_freps18_01010/ epjconf_freps18_01010.html
Gaskova D.A., Massel A.G. Semantic modeling of cyber threats in the energy sector using Dynamic Cognitive Maps and Bayesian Belief Network // Proc.of the 7th Scientific Conference on Information Technologies for Intelligent Decision Making Support. 2019. P.326-329. DOI: 10.2991/itids-19.2019.58
Massel L.V., Kuzmin V.R. Knowledge management language in the information and analytical system for impact assessment of the energy on the geoecology // Proc.of the 7th Scientific Conference on Information Technologies for Intelligent Decision Making Support. 2019. P.321-324. DOI: 10.2991/itids-19.2019.57
Yuri M. Baturin, Valentina T. Dmitrieva, Eugene N. Eremchenko, Massel L.V., Oleg A. Nikonov, Alexei A. Romanov, Vladimir S. Tikunov, Alena A. Zakharova Digital Earth in Russia // Manual of Digital Earth. Springer Open. 2019. P.733-752. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-32-9915-3_23
Mikhailovsky E.A. Software for on-line testing of pipeline modeling methods // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. ID:012064. 2019. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/667/1/012064
Alekseev A.V., Novitskiy N.N. The concept and technology of a unified digital space organizing of an operational enterprise as a necessary condition for the intelligent automation of pipeline systems // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol.667. No.1. ID:012003. 2019. P.1-10. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/667/1/012003
Grebneva O.A. Study of the regimes planning problem for pipeline systems tests // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol.667. ID:012029. 2019. 9 p. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/667/1/012029
Loktionov V.I., Loktionova E.A. Development of the Russian energy system resilience: Towards a more secure future // Geopolitics of Energy. Vol.41. No.4. 2019. P.1-12.
Калинина Ж.В., Илькевич Н.И., Дзюбина Т.В. Особенности агрегирования мировых газовых рынков // Информационные и математические технологии в науке и управлении. №3(15). 2019. C.132-143. DOI: 10.25729/2413-0133-2019-3-12
Дзюбина Т.В., Илькевич Н.И., Сурнин Н.В. Оценка структурной надежности газотранспортной системы, формируемой на востоке России // Информационные и математические технологии в науке и управлении. №2(14). 2019. C.88-100. DOI: 10.25729/2413-0133-2019-2-08