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Identification of critical objects in reliance on cyber threats in the energy sector
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Feasibility Study of Using Geothermal Heat-Pump Units for Substituting Small-Capacity Coal-Fired Boiler Houses (Taking the Baikal Natural Area as an Example)
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Modeling the mass velocity and pressure drop of forced vapor-liquid flow through a granular bed
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Piecewise linear bounding functions in univariate global optimization
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Method of measuring void fraction in a channel with porous media
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Nonlinear systems of Volterra equations with piecewise smooth kernels: Numerical solution and application for power systems operation
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Improvement in the computational efficiency of a technique for assessing the reliability of electric power systems based on the Monte Carlo method
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Smarter Smart District Heating
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Modeling of non-stationary temperature field in the neighborhood of the optical fiber end under laser pulse heating
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Simulation and Optimization of Wood Biomass Gasification Regimes in a Flow of Steam-Oxygen Blast
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