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Влияние состава угольно-биомассного топлива на эффективность его газификации в газогенераторах поточного типа
Библиографическая ссылка
О целесообразности экологически чистого использования древесных отходов в Байкальском регионе
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Study of the efficiency of hybrid energy systems with renewable generation: dynamics of energy production in summer and winter periods
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The Use of Mathematical Methods in Analysis of Antibioticresistans of Microorganisms of Lake Baikal
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Ownership Unbundling and Monopoly Privileges in Electricity Transmission
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Forming Rate Options for Various Types of Consumers in the Retail Electricity Market by Solving the Adverse Selection Problem
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Effect of the flow velocity on bubble boiling characteristics
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Analysis of the efficiency of energy systems of long-distance energy transport
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Hybrid intelligent technique for voltage/VAR control in power systems
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Applied Problems and Methodological Approaches to Planning and Implementation of Operating Conditions at District Heating Systems
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