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Determination of void fraction for upward steam-water flow in a packed bed
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Identification of Quadratic Volterra Polynomials in the “Input–Output” Models of Nonlinear Systems
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Test polynomial Volterra equation of the first kind in the problem of input signal identification
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Dynamical strategy on homotopy perturbation method for solving second kind integral equations using the CESTAC method
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Collocation-Variational Approaches to the Solution to Volterra Integral Equations of the First Kind
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A reliability assessment of the heating from a hybrid energy source based on combined heat and power and wind power plants
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Peak underground gas storage efficiency in reducing the vulnerability of gas supply to consumers in an extensive gas transmission system
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Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Joint Use of Wood and Other Renewable Energy Sources in the Baikal Region
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Pool Fire Suppression Using CO2 Hydrate
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A multi-criteria approach to designing and managing a renewable energy community
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