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Decision support in the analysis of cyber situational awareness of energy facilities
Библиографическая ссылка
An Approach for Efficient Heat Source Selection in Long-Term Expansion Planning of Urban District Heating Systems
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Smart Digital Twins as a Trend of Energy Systems Intellectualization in Russia
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Построение экосистемы знаний на основе ИТ-инфраструктуры системных исследований в энергетике
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Particle Agglomeration of Biomass and Plastic Waste during Their Thermochemical Fixed-Bed Conversion
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Estimation of the location of inter-area oscillations and their interactions in electrical power systems using Lyapunov modal analysis
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Economic and Technical Aspects of the Use of Wood Waste Gasification Power Plants in Decentralized Nature Protection Areas: The Example of the Natural Territory of Lake Baikal; [ТЕХНИКО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКАЯОЦЕНКАИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ГАЗОГЕНЕРАТОРНЫХЭЛЕКТРОСТАНЦИЙ НАДРЕ
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Robust Reinforcement Learning-Based Multiple Inputs and Multiple Outputs Controller for Wind Turbines
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Probabilistic modeling of functioning of district-distributed heating systems for the reliability analysis
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Application of methods for modeling hydraulic and non-isothermal steady states of gas transmission systems
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