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SKOLTECH Project: Smart operation control system for integrated electricity and heat/cold supply system for local territories on the basis of a virtual power plant concept, 2015-2017

The project objective is to design an intelligent control system for the integrated electricity and heat/cold supply system of local territories based on the virtual power plant concept.
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SKOLTECH Project: Innovative directions in development of smart heat supply systems

The project suggests solving a topical problem that consists in the development of methods and approaches to making heat supply systems intelligent. The intelligent heat supply system implies the integration of conventional and unconventional subsystems and technological processes with new communication technologies. Apart from the broad capabilities of information technologies, great attention is paid to the promising energy technologies such as cogeneration, heat pumps, renewable energy sources (e.g. wind, sun, and biotechnologies), etc.

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SKOLTECH Project: Information-computation technologies for the analysis and provision of identifiability and controllability of energy pipeline systems, 2015-2017

The goal of the project is to develop a methodology and information- computation technologies to analyze and ensure the identifiability and controllability of pipeline systems as a necessary condition to make the systems intelligent.

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SKOLTECH Project: Distributed adaptive load shedding scheme against stability loss and electrical lines overloading in power systems, 2015-2017

The main goals of the project:

- Analysis of state of the art and challenges to load shedding schemes

- Development of principles and algorithms of distributed adaptive load shedding

- Study on effects of distributed adaptive load shedding scheme against stability loss and current overload in real electric power systems

- Working-out the suggestions and conditions for distributed adaptive load shedding schemes implementation, assessment of their future evolution
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SKOLTECH Project: A comprehensive research into the directions of development and effectiveness of Russia’s electric power integration into the Eurasian space, 2015-2017

Research into certain aspects of electric power integration of the Unified Power System (UPS) of Russia in the post-soviet space and with the non-FSU countries were conducted by different organizations in different areas. In particular, close attention was paid to the research into the issues of the effectiveness of the formation of the interstate electric ties and interconnections in the region of Northeast Asia, interconnection of the UPS of Russia and electric power systems and power interconnections of Western European countries, etc.
