New book about Long-term Modeled Projections of the Energy Sector was published by Springer

November 17, 2019
Author of the book is Professor Yury Kononov.

Book about power systems reliability just issued in Switzerland

July 09, 2019
"Reliability of Power Systems" – the name of a new book, written by ESRI scientists Gennady Kovalev and Ludmila Lebedeva issued by Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Energy Systems Research Journal has passed another milestone

April 10, 2019

We are proud to let you know that our international scientific journal “Energy Systems Research” is stepping into its second year of publishing

2nd International Workshop on "Mathematical Modeling of Smart Energy and Power Systems"

March 07, 2019
Dates: 20-23 June 2019
Venue: Changsha, China

“Nonlinear Dynamic Models for Wind Power: Forecasting and Storage Management” was recognized as winning on the contest for the best research project in fundamental research of 2019

February 07, 2019