The IV International Conference “Energy Systems Research” (ESR-2023) was held from September 11 to 15, 2023

October 04, 2023
Melentiev Energy Systems Research Institute SB RAS hosted the IV international Conference “Energy Systems Research” from September 11th to September 15th, 2023.

The Conference encompassed in-depth discussions of the core aspects of sustainable energy development on a global and regional scale within the framework of global challenges. Prominent scientists and energy experts participated in plenary and sessional presentations.

Participants of the Conference made 173 presentations, with 106 being delivered in person and 67 in an online format. Scientists from 66 scientific organizations in Russia, China, South Africa, Brazil, Vietnam, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, [...]

The book "Hierarchical Modeling of Energy Systems" is published by the Elsevier

August 24, 2023
Fundamental work edited by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.I. Voropay and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Stennikov, summarizing the results of research by Siberian scientists.

Issue 4, 2022 of Energy Systems Research Journal is available online

January 29, 2023
Full issue contents available online on the website:

Number 3, 2022 of Energy Systems Research Journal is issued

December 05, 2022
Full issue contents available online on the website:

Number 2, 2022 of Energy Systems Research Journal is issued

August 31, 2022
Full issue contents available online on the website: