Department of Thermal Power Systems #70

Research topics.

  • Methods for mathematical modeling and optimization of parameters and flow charts of different thermal power and energy-technology plants.
  • Methods for optimization of thermal power plants operating conditions.  
  • Methods and means for thermophysical studies on dynamic processes in the components of energy plants.
  • Methods for construction of dynamic models to calculate all possible operating conditions of power installations at thermal power plants.

Recent results.

An original approach and a procedure for automated construction of mathematical models of thermal power plants of different types have been developed in the Department. They underlie the creation of software for PCs which allows automatical construction of mathematical models for static and dynamic calculations including formation of a graphic image of the calculated scheme, planning of calculations, generation of computer programs. 

Development of the efficient methods for optimization of parameters and flow charts of thermal power plants allowed the technico-economic studies on gas-fired combined-cycle power plants, integrated gasification combined-cycle power plants, a thermal-power part of power units at nuclear power plants with water-cooled reactors, energy-technology installations for methanol synthesis and dimethyl ether from coals of the Eastern regions of the country.  

The methods for mathematical modeling and optimization have been devised for application at real-time control of operating conditions of cogeneration plants with different types of equipment and complicated flow charts.

Methodology for optimization of generation equipment mix at oil and gas producing enterprises.

Research into the efficiency and application of high-tech energy plants with combined production of electricity and synthetic liquid fuel: methanol and dimethyl ether.

Nonstationary hydrodynamic processes in the water-cooled channels of nuclear reactors are studied on the experimental high-temperature installation equipped with devices for automation of a thermophysical experiment. The fast thermohydrodynamic processes in the water-cooled channels have been studied at intensive thermal and hydrodynamic effects. The studies have revealed the characteristics of pressure pulsations in the case of fast water boiling and their interrelation with the change in the wall temperature and structure of a vapor-liquid layer of heat carrier. The peculiarities of dynamic disturbance distribution in the porous medium with a two-phase flow are studied.

For the first time the ultra-low propagation velocities of small pressure disturbances in a pebble bed with liquid vapor flow have been obtained. They correspond to the values of thermodynamically equilib-rium sound velocity, or Landau sound velocity, for liquid vapor medium.

A technique for construction of complex dynamic models to calculate all possible operating conditions of thermal power plants has been developed for solution of real-time problems. The technique and mathematical models are realized as software packages that were applied to the training simulators of boiler and power units.

Research leaders

Valery A. Stennikov

Director, Head of Department of Pipeline Energy Systems
Academician of RAS,
+7 (3952) 42-97-75

Sergey M. Senderov

Deputy director, Head of Department of Energy Security
+7 (3952) 500-646, ext. 444

Подковальников Сергей Викторович

Deputy Director, Head of the Department of Electric Power Systems
+7 (3952) 500-646, ext. 425

Boris G. Saneev

Scientific supervisor on complex and regional energy research, Head of Department of Complex and Regional Problems in Energy
+7 (3952) 42-84-80, 500-646 ext. 350

Alexey V. Mikheev

Scientific Secretary
Doctor of Engineering,
+7 (3952) 500-646, ext. 203

Массель Людмила Васильевна

Head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems in Energy
+7 (3952) 500-646 ext. 441

Alexander M. Kler

Head of Department of Thermal Power Systems
+7 (3952) 42-30-03

Oleg V. Khamisov

Head of Department of Applied Mathematics
+7 (3952) 500-646, ext. 261