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Публикации сотрудников ИСЭМ СО РАН в научных журналах, индексируемых в Web of Science за период 2010-2014 гг.

1. Kler A.M., Zakharov Y.B., Potanina Y.M. Coordinated optimization of the parameters of the cooled gas-turbine flow path and the parameters of gas-turbine cycles and combined-cycle power plants // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. - 2014. - Т.21. - №3. - C.383-392. 2. Pavlenko A.N., Tairov E.A., Zhukov V.E. et al. Dynamics of transient processes at liquid boiling-up in the conditions of free convection and forced flow in a channel under nonstationary heat release // Journal of Engineering Thermophysics...

Теги: Web of Science
