Application experience of the theory hydraulic circuits methods and modern technologies for organizing operating conditions of Mongolian district heating systems

Статья конференции
Novitsky N. , Shalaginova Z. , Tokarev V. , Alekseev A. , Unurmaa T.
Novitsky S.; Serttter B.; Chupin V.R.; Khaltar E.; Korelstein L.B.; Stennikov V.A.; Sukharev M.G.
E3S Web of Conferences
An analysis of the district heating systems (DHS) current state in Mongolia and the problems of their functioning is given. The experience of applying the theory hydraulic circuits methods and the information-computer complex «ANGARA- HN» developed at the ISEM SB RAS for modeling and organizing the operating conditions of the Mongolia DHS is given. Ways have been outlined to improve the reliability, efficiency and quality of DHS work. The tendencies, directions and possibilities of overcoming the existing problems in operating conditions control are outlined. including, - the development of scientific, methodological and software for solving new problems of operational control (monitoring the state, calibrating models, active identification and optimization of modes) based on the creation of a common digital space. © 2023 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved.

Библиографическая ссылка

Novitsky N. , Shalaginova Z. , Tokarev V. , Alekseev A. , Unurmaa T.  Application experience of the theory hydraulic circuits methods and modern technologies for organizing operating conditions of Mongolian district heating systems // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.397. ID:04004. 2023. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202339704004