Using of sensitivity models of the steady-state of electric power systems for account of failure of elements

Статья конференции
Krupenev D.
E3S Web of Conferences
Methodological Problems in Reliability Study of Large Energy Systems, RSES 2017
E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.25. ID: 03001.
The article presents an algorithm for obtaining sensitivity models of the first and second orders of the steady-state regime of electric power systems (EPS). The sensitivity models are intended for express calculations of steady-state when estimating the static security of EPS. The use of sensitivity models allows one to simulate failures of EPS elements without calculating new steady-state. To verify the reliability of the sensitivity models obtained, the results of an experiment performed on a 3-node test pattern are presented. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2017.

Библиографическая ссылка

Krupenev D. Using of sensitivity models of the steady-state of electric power systems for account of failure of elements // E3S Web of Conferences. Vol.25. ID: 03001. 2017. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/20172503001