
Новые поступления

№7 Информатика. Кибернетика. Вычислительная техника.

сен 2010

1. Пегат, А. Нечеткое моделирование и управление: пер. с англ./ А. Пегат; пер. А.Г. Подвесовский, Ю.В. Тюменцев; ред. пер. Ю.В. Тюменцев. –М.: БИНОМ. Лаборатория знаний, 2009. -798 с. –(Адаптивные и интеллектуальные системы); З81 П23 №45012

2. International conference on computational technologies in electrical and electronics engineering, July 11-15, 2010, Irkutsk Listvyanka, Russia. In 2v. Vol. 1: Information theory. Information systems and image processing. Cryptography and data security. Telecommunications and communication networks. Antennas and transmission systems. Wireless communications. Education and E-learning. Microelectronics: pros./ IEEE Region 8. International conference on computational technologies in electrical and electronics engineering 2010. -Danvers: IEEE, 2010. -446 p. –(SIBIRCON-2010); U I69

3. International conference on computational technologies in electrical and electronics engineering, July 11-15, 2010, Irkutsk Listvyanka, Russia. In 2v. Vol. 2: Development and control of energy systems. Energy conversion and renewable energy. Microwave theory and techniques. Power electronics. Industrial applications. Motors and drives. Industrial control systems: pros./ IEEE Region 8. International conference on computational technologies in electrical and electronics engineering 2010. -Danvers: IEEE, 2010. –P.447-869. –(SIBIRCON-2010); U I69
